Bedrock Floors was contacted by a restauranteur in the process of opening up his third location – Fishbone Kitchen and Bar in Aurora, Ontario. The previous tenants covered the main dining area floor with vinyl tiles, the bathrooms with paint, and the kitchen with ceramic tile. By the time we got involved, the vinyl and ceramic tile had been removed to expose a concrete slab that needed some attention in order to match the desired high-end, classy aesthetic that the new owner was looking for. High-gloss Polished Concrete was the obvious choice for the dining area and the bathrooms. However, the slab condition in the kitchen was not suitable for polish without extensive patching, so a seamless epoxy coating was proposed instead.
Polished Concrete was the obvious choice to meet the owners high-end aesthetic
Our work was completed over the course of one week, to accommodate the owners tight schedule leading up to the grand opening on Thursday, September 24, 2015.
Completed within the client’s tight schedule
We started the first day on site by removing the left over tile mastic in the kitchen area in preparation for the epoxy coating, we then made our first rough grind pass over the entire concrete slab throughout the dining area and bathrooms. The first rough grind exposed a significant amount of spalling and damage from the previous owner which we proceeded to patch.
Day 2 – We continued with the diamond grinding process by refining the surface to remove any rough or high spots and to create a smooth level surface. We also smoothed out the perimeter edges and corners with a hand polisher wherever our diamond grinding equipment could not reach.
Day 3 – We completed the refining process and applied a sealer that penetrated the concrete surface and chemically reacted to increase the surface density and durability.
Day 4 – We started and completed the polishing process, all the way up to a 3000 grit high-gloss finish and also patched the kitchen area and applied a prime coat of epoxy.
For more information on our concrete polishing process click here.
Complementary of the modern restaurant stylings
On our fifth and final day on site, we came in to apply a finish coat of epoxy and to pack up our equipment. Several weeks later we had the privilege of visiting the finished restaurant just hours before opening night. The polished concrete floors complemented the modern stylings of the restaurant’s furniture and finishes perfectly. Next time you are in Aurora, make sure to check out Fishbone Kitchen and Bar.